The part of the face above the eyes.
Her mom kisses her daughter's forehead every night as she falls asleep.
The part of the face above the eyes.
Her mom kisses her daughter's forehead every night as she falls asleep.
La parte de la cara por encima de los ojos.
Su madre besa la frente de su hija todas las noches cuando se duerme.
Ru li jolom taqe'k lli xnaq' u'ej.
Li xna' naxk'e tz'ub' chi xpeekem li xko' rajlal q'oqyin naq maaji' na'war.
Ri kolb'al re palaj ajsik re ri baq'wach.
Ri unan ri alaj ali ku tij uchi' ri uwach upalaj ronojel aq'ab' are chi' ke' pa waram.