Either fleshy lateral wall of the nose.
The nurse explained that the COVID-19 test would require him to pass a cotton swab inside the inner part of the nostril.
Either fleshy lateral wall of the nose.
The nurse explained that the COVID-19 test would require him to pass a cotton swab inside the inner part of the nostril.
Cualquiera de las paredes laterales carnosas de la nariz.
La enfermera explic贸 que la prueba de COVID-19 requerir铆a que pasara un hisopo de algod贸n dentro de la parte interior de la fosa nasal.
Apachin chke ri ekieb' upam utyo'jil re ri tza'm.
Ri ajto'b'anel ajkun xu b'ij chi le na'b'al re COVID-19 rajawaxik chi kkoj na ri jipib'al re b'ot chupam ri upam ri ujulil re ri tza'am.