Something (typically a drug) that relieves pain.
When I received stitches after falling off of my bike, the doctor prescribed a series of painkillers to help with the pain.
Something (typically a drug) that relieves pain.
When I received stitches after falling off of my bike, the doctor prescribed a series of painkillers to help with the pain.
Algo (t铆picamente un medicamento) que alivia el dolor.
Cuando me hicieron puntos despu茅s de caerme de la bicicleta, el m茅dico me recet贸 una serie de analg茅sicos para ayudar con el dolor.
Jun jasach (kjunumax ruk' kunab'al) ri ku kunaj q'oxom.
Are chi' xin t'isik xa rumal rech chi xin tzaqulo pa ri laj kejb'al ch'ich', ri ajkun xtaqan che kin tijo ek'i taq kunab'al re q'oxom rech ki nu to'b'ej ruk' ri q'oxomal.