Visa Waiver Program
This program allows citizens of certain selected countries who are traveling temporarily to the United States under the nonimmigrant admission classes of visitors for pleasure and visitors for business to enter the United States without obtaining nonimmigrant visas.
The coffee executives requested to be part of the visa waiver program so that their administrators could do business in the United States.
This program allows citizens of certain selected countries who are traveling temporarily to the United States under the nonimmigrant admission classes of visitors for pleasure and visitors for business to enter the United States without obtaining nonimmigrant visas.
The coffee executives requested to be part of the visa waiver program so that their administrators could do business in the United States.
Este programa permite a los ciudadanos de ciertos pa铆ses seleccionados que viajan temporalmente a los Estados Unidos bajo las clases de admisi贸n de no inmigrantes, como visitantes por placer y visitantes por negocios, ingresar a los Estados Unidos sin obtener visas de no inmigrante.
Los ejecutivos del caf茅 solicitaron ser parte del programa de exenci贸n de visa para que sus administradores pudieran hacer negocios en los Estados Unidos.
Li hu a'an naxkanab'eb' aj jalan tenamit li nake'el chaq chi junjunq chi tenamit li xwankillal chi chalk EEUU jo' poyanam maawa'eb' aj q'axol ch'och' re naq te'ruq chi b'eek maraj yakok jo'q'ehaq EEUU chi moko aje' ta li ru xtz'aamankil xhuhil wanjik chi junajwa'.
Eb' aj K'ayihom kape' ke'xtz'aama chi okenk sa' xk'anjel xhuhil wanjik yal chi b'eek re naq eb' li nake'xjolomi li trab'aaj te'ruq ra chi yakok EEUU.
We jun cholajil ri' ku ya' chke nikiaj ajtinamitalib' ri echaom taq ki tinamit, ri man nimta raqan k'olem kki b'an jewa' EEUU pa ri ub'eal ri taqanik ri ku b'ij chi man ajq'axal tinamit taj xa ne lo ke'b'o'kuloq rumal wa'katem xuquje' ajq'atanelab' ne' rumal rech chi le are' ajk'aynelab' rumal ri' xe'b'o'kuloq EEUU aretaq man rajawaxik ri k'o pa ki q'ab' ri man ajq'axal tinamit taj wuj re okem.
Ri ki nimal taq ri aj k'ayil kape' xki to' kya' chke ri Jun Ucholajil Ri Rajawaxik Ta Wuj Re Okem rech ri kajchak ajk'amal taq b'e, kya' chke chi utz kki b'an ki k'ay chi' pa EEUU.