Called the tympanic membrane: a thin membrane that closes externally the cavity of the middle ear and functions in the mechanical reception of sound waves and in their transmission to the site of sensory reception.
The girl pushed the Q-tip a little too far and ruptured her eardrum.
Called the tympanic membrane: a thin membrane that closes externally the cavity of the middle ear and functions in the mechanical reception of sound waves and in their transmission to the site of sensory reception.
The girl pushed the Q-tip a little too far and ruptured her eardrum.
Se denomina membrana timp谩nica a una fina membrana que cierra externamente la cavidad del o铆do medio y funciona en la recepci贸n mec谩nica de las ondas sonoras y en su transmisi贸n al lugar de recepci贸n sensorial.
La ni帽a se pas贸 un poco con el hisopo y se rompi贸 el t铆mpano.
Aju xol yol tb'i a jun ch'i tixti tokx toj 岷峩ynb'aj in kub' tjpun maqa tla in etz ttzaqpin kyq'iq' toj 岷峩yinj ikx in ajb'en tu'n tokx tb'in tq'ojq'ojal kyiwi xjal .
Aju k'wal majx ma txi tlmon sub'l toj 岷峩ynj toj t岷峩yn atzun majx ma ky'xb'i chi xo'l yol tun .
Ub'i tasb'al ri uxo'l upam ri xikinaj xax tasb'al ri ku tzapij ri ujulil uxo'l ri upaxikin xuquje kchokonik che ri uk'amik ri koq' apon jela' aretaq ku b'an ub'inem che ub'ixik chre ri tzantzaqo'r jas katajin ku to'.
Ri alaj ali su naj xu koj ri ch'ajch'ob'anel upaxikinaj rumal rech xujis ri uxo'il ri upam ri uxikin.