Gender Identity
A person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female.
The person at the grocery store has a gender identity of gender non-conforming.
A person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female.
The person at the grocery store has a gender identity of gender non-conforming.
El sentido interno de una persona de ser hombre, mujer, una combinaci贸n de hombre y mujer, o ni hombre ni mujer.
La persona en el supermercado tiene una identidad de g茅nero no conforme.
Ri ku na' chupam ri ranima' jun winaq, achi, ixoq, ku xol ne rib' ruk' achi xuquje ixoq, on mawi jun chke achi on ixoq.
Ri jun winaq pa k'ayib'al k'o ub'antajikil ixoq achi chre ri man q'alaj taj jachin chke.