Motion to Suppress
An attempt to keep certain statements or evidence from being introduced as evidence.
The court held a hearing to consider the motion to suppress a police interview because it was conducted in Spanish and the defendant's best language is Q'eqchi'.
An attempt to keep certain statements or evidence from being introduced as evidence.
The court held a hearing to consider the motion to suppress a police interview because it was conducted in Spanish and the defendant's best language is Q'eqchi'.
Un intento de impedir que ciertas declaraciones o pruebas sean presentadas como evidencia.
El tribunal celebr贸 una audiencia para considerar la moci贸n para suprimir una entrevista policial porque se realiz贸 en espa帽ol y el idioma principal del acusado es Q'eqchi'.
Layx tu'n txi tman jun tyol tun tklet maqa txant yek'b'il .
Ri ukojik chuq'a'b' che uq'atexik rech man kya'ta ub'ixik nikiaj tzij yey k'utunik ne' ri kk'amuloq qas je ne' uwachib'al jun k'utunik.