Strep Throat
An inflammatory sore throat caused by hemolytic Group A streptococci and marked by fever, prostration, and toxemia.
To make sure that the child was healthy enough to return to school, the nurse administered a test for strep throat.
An inflammatory sore throat caused by hemolytic Group A streptococci and marked by fever, prostration, and toxemia.
To make sure that the child was healthy enough to return to school, the nurse administered a test for strep throat.
Una inflamaci贸n de garganta causada por estreptococos hemol铆ticos del Grupo A y caracterizada por fiebre, postraci贸n y toxemia.
Para asegurarse de que el ni帽o estaba lo suficientemente sano como para regresar a la escuela, la enfermera le administr贸 una prueba de faringitis estreptoc贸cica.
Jun sipojinaqil re ri qulaj rumal rech ri jupuq alaj taq chikop re ri molaj A xuquje' ri ub'anikil are ri q'aq', tuqa'rik, xuquje' ri uchikopinik ri kik'.
Rech kq'alajinik chi le alaj ak'al tzij chi utzirinaq chik che ri utzalijem pa ri tijob'al, ri ixoq ajto'banel re ri ajkun xu b'an ri nik'onem rech rusipojik ri upaqulaj.