The removal of an organ or tissue from one body that is implanted into another.
One of the most significant medical breakthroughs in recent history has to be the viability of the heart transplant.
The removal of an organ or tissue from one body that is implanted into another.
One of the most significant medical breakthroughs in recent history has to be the viability of the heart transplant.
La extracci贸n de un 贸rgano o tejido de un cuerpo que se implanta en otro.
Uno de los avances m茅dicos m谩s significativos en la historia reciente debe ser la viabilidad del trasplante de coraz贸n.
Ri uresaxik jun chke ri uchakub'al on ukemol re jun b'aqil ri kq'axax pa jun chik.
Jun chke ri uk'iyib'al taq ri kunab'al no'j ri nim ub'antajik, k'ate' tzijob'elil are' ri kuinem che kjalk'atix ri anima'.