The hard largely calcareous connective tissue of which the adult skeleton of most vertebrates is chiefly composed.
The little girl fell out of a tree and broke her bones in right arm.
The hard largely calcareous connective tissue of which the adult skeleton of most vertebrates is chiefly composed.
The little girl fell out of a tree and broke her bones in right arm.
Tejido conjuntivo duro, en gran parte calcáreo, del que se compone principalmente el esqueleto adulto de la mayoría de los vertebrados.
La niña pequeña se cayó de un árbol y se rompió los huesos del brazo derecho.
Lix cha'al kaw, li nax chapi wi rib' lix ch'oklal lix b'aqeleb' li k'aq re ru li wankeb' xb'aqel.
Lix cha'al kaw, li nax chapi wi rib' lix ch'oklal lix b'aqeleb' li k'aq re ru li wankeb' xb'aqel.
Li ch’ina' ixq’aal xt’ane' chaq sa’ ruuj che ut xtoq xb’aq’el li xnim tel.
Jun k'lon tixti chax xwaklan tib', nim txun toj , aju qa'n tu'n kyb'aqil ẍjoq xjal maqa lex e itz'jiniqe chax xwaklanqe tu'n b'aq .
A txin ma tzaj tij tze majx ma pax tb'aqil tb'an q'ob' .
Xtzaqolo ri alaj ali puwi ri che' xuquje' xq'aj ri b'aq re ri urikiq'ab' uq'ab'.
Xtzaqolo ri alaj ali puwi ri che' xuquje' xq'aj ri b'aq re ri urikiq'ab' uq'ab'.