K'ax ku b'ij utzij
Are wa' jun k'eyewal re ri b'aqil ri man kkun taj ku lememej utzij, k'ax kriq che ri uch'ob'ik tzij on ri katajin ku b'ij xuquje' k'ax are chi' kraj ktzijonik kuk' nik'iaj chik xuquje' ri utzalijem ub'ixik ri kb'ixulo che.
Jun chke ri k'ax amaq'el kki riq ri ajq'axal taq tinamit are chi' kkaj ajkunanel, cho q'atb'al tzij, xuquje' to'b'anik pa ki wi' ri comon, are' wa' ri k'ax kki b'ij ki tzij.
physical problems with producing clear speech, difficulties in understanding spoken language and difficulties with the social aspects of communication and interaction
One of the most common barriers for immigrants to access medical, legal, and social services is difficulty communicating.
Problemas f铆sicos para producir un habla clara, dificultades para comprender el lenguaje hablado y dificultades con los aspectos sociales de la comunicaci贸n y la interacci贸n.
Una de las barreras m谩s comunes para que los inmigrantes accedan a servicios m茅dicos, legales y sociales es la dificultad de comunicaci贸n.
Are wa' jun k'eyewal re ri b'aqil ri man kkun taj ku lememej utzij, k'ax kriq che ri uch'ob'ik tzij on ri katajin ku b'ij xuquje' k'ax are chi' kraj ktzijonik kuk' nik'iaj chik xuquje' ri utzalijem ub'ixik ri kb'ixulo che.
Jun chke ri k'ax amaq'el kki riq ri ajq'axal taq tinamit are chi' kkaj ajkunanel, cho q'atb'al tzij, xuquje' to'b'anik pa ki wi' ri comon, are' wa' ri k'ax kki b'ij ki tzij.