The act of impairing something or the state or condition of being impaired: diminishment or loss of function or ability.
People with a loss or impairment of the sense of smell may need to use other senses when cooking.
The act of impairing something or the state or condition of being impaired: diminishment or loss of function or ability.
People with a loss or impairment of the sense of smell may need to use other senses when cooking.
El acto de perjudicar algo o el estado o condición de estar perjudicado: disminución o pérdida de función o habilidad.
Las personas con discapacidad o deterioro del sentido del olfato pueden necesitar usar otros sentidos al cocinar.
Aretaq kujeq ri uyab' jun jasach on ri uwachib'al ri katajin kq'e'lob'ik: ri no'jim on usachib'al usilob'em on uchuq'ab'.
Ri winaq ri kkisach on kkitzaq rutzil uwach ri ki siqonik, wene b'a' rajawaxik na kwi taq na'tab'al kokisaxik chi' ri kb'an na ri wa.