Pro Se
Representing oneself. Serving as one's own lawyer.
Many respondents appear pro se in immigration court while they save money to find an attorney to represent them.
Representing oneself. Serving as one's own lawyer.
Many respondents appear pro se in immigration court while they save money to find an attorney to represent them.
Representarse a uno mismo. Actuar como su propio abogado.
Muchos demandados se presentan pro se en el tribunal de inmigración mientras ahorran dinero para contratar a un abogado que los represente.
Li aatinak xjunes chiru li chaq'rab'. Xb'aanunkil rib' jo' aj nawol chaq'rab' xjunes.
Naab'aleb' li poyanam nake'xk'ut rib xjunes sa' li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' reheb' aj q'axol ch'och' toj reetal nake'xsik' xtuminal re xtojb'al junaq aj nawol chaq'rab' chi aatinak chi ruuchileb'.
Aretaq jun ku k'ut rib' utukel. Kux jun u kexewach jun ajch'o'jitzij.
Ek'i ri ajch'awanelab' kki k'ut kib' pa q'atb'al tzij re ajq'axal tinamit kitukel xa k'u jeri' kki sach taj ri ki rajil che ukojik jun ajch'o'jitzij.