The act, process, or an instance of recovering.
After the accident, the doctor explained that the recovery to heal the broken leg would take at least 3 months.
The act, process, or an instance of recovering.
After the accident, the doctor explained that the recovery to heal the broken leg would take at least 3 months.
El acto, proceso o instancia de recuperación.
Después del accidente, el doctor explicó que la recuperación para sanar la pierna rota tomaría al menos 3 meses.
Ri Ub'anikil, ub'inib'al on uwachib'al ri utzirinem.
K'ate' na xu k'ulmaj ri jun k'ax, ri ajkun xu tzijoj chi ri utzirinem rech kkunataj ri q'ajinaq a' ku k'am na oxib' ik'.