The part of the integument of the human head usually covered with hair.
Dandruff is usually a symptom of a very dry scalp.
The part of the integument of the human head usually covered with hair.
Dandruff is usually a symptom of a very dry scalp.
La parte del tegumento de la cabeza humana que generalmente está cubierta de cabello.
La caspa suele ser un síntoma de un cuero cabelludo muy seco.
Ri uch'aqapil ri tz'u'mal re ri ujolom jun winaq ri k'ialaj taq mul ch'uqul uwi' ruk' ri wi'aj.
Aretaq kelulo ri solot wi'aj, k'ialaj taq mul are' ktajin ku b'ij chi chaqi'j ri utz'u'mal ri jolom.