T Non-Immigrant Status (T-Visa)
T nonimmigrant status provides immigration protection to victims of trafficking. The T visa allows victims to remain in the United States and help law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking cases.
The attorney supplicated for T Non-Immigrant Status for three unaccompanied minors in exchange for testifying at trial against the man who smuggled them into the United States.
T nonimmigrant status provides immigration protection to victims of trafficking. The T visa allows victims to remain in the United States and help law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking cases.
The attorney supplicated for T Non-Immigrant Status for three unaccompanied minors in exchange for testifying at trial against the man who smuggled them into the United States.
El estatus de no inmigrante T brinda protección migratoria a las víctimas de la trata de personas. La visa T permite a las víctimas permanecer en los Estados Unidos y ayudar a las autoridades policiales en la investigación o enjuiciamiento de casos de trata de personas.
El abogado suplicó el estado T de no inmigrante para tres menores no acompañados a cambio de testificar en el juicio contra el hombre que los introdujo de contrabando en los Estados Unidos.
Li xhuhil "T" naxk'e xkolb'a'ib' jo'wi' xwankil junaq aj q'axol ch'och' chi kanaak wi xe'xk'ame' chaq chi minb'il ruheb'. Lu xhuhil "T" naxkanab'eb' poyanam chi kanaak EEUU re xtenq'ankileb' aj k'aak'alehom tenamit chi xtz'ilb'al rixeb' li maak nake'b'aanuman re te'jite'q aj k'ayihom poyanam li nake'maako'b'k sa' chaq'rab'.
Laj nawol chaq'rab' kixtz'aama xhuhil T reheb' li maawa'eb' aj q'axol ch'och' cho'q reheb' oxib' chi saaj poyanam li te'xch'olob' xyaalalil sa' raqleb'aal chaq'rab' chirix li ki'k'amok chaq reheb' chi muqmu sa' EEUU.
Le tz'ib' T "Kux Maj Ajq'axal Tinamit Chik," ku ya' chre ri q'atb'al tzij chi ku' tob'ej ri ki riqom k'ax pa ki q'ab' taq ri aj arel winaq. Ri wuj "T" ku ya chike ri ki riqom k'ax rech ke' k'oje' EEUU che utob'axik ri aj q'atba'ltzijab' ri uch'ob'ik uxe' we jun k'ax ri' rech kb'an sujuj pa ki wi' ri aj arel taq winaq.
Ri ajch'o'jib'al taq tzij xki tz'onoj ri ''Kux Maj Ajq'axal Tinamit Chik" pa ki wi' ri oxib' kitukel ak'lab' rech che uk'exewach le are' ke' b'ux aj ch'awnelab' pa ri sujuj kb'an pa uwi' ri achi xe'b'u k'amuloq jewa' EEUU.