Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
The school was very good about teaching students to walk and not to run when going to eat lunch.
Moverse a un ritmo regular levantando y colocando cada pie por turno, sin que ambos pies estén fuera del suelo al mismo tiempo.
La escuela era muy estricta en enseñar a los estudiantes a caminar y no correr cuando iban a almorzar.
Tu'n kyokchi toj tumel in jaw kyq'in aj tkub' kyq'o'n junjun maj chaj kyqan. Naqtzun tun mlay chi kyaja junx kkab'il twitz tx'otx'.
Aju jaxnaq'tzb'il majx kuw aj t-txi tyek'un chi b'et k'wal, lay tun kyojqelan aj kxi wal
Silob'em pa junab'imb'al arechi' ka yakik xuquje' kqasax kijujunichal ri aqan, mawi jumul ri keb' aqanaj ek'o cho ri ulew pa jun viaj.
Ri tijob'al sib'laj kyajanik aretaq ku na'taj chke ri ajtijoxelab chi utz xaqi kb'an b'inem man xik'inem taj, are chi' ke' sik'ix pa waim.