Constitutional Rights
Constitutional rights are the protections and liberties guaranteed to the people by the U.S. Constitution.
The judge declared that the defendant's constitutional rights were violated as he dismissed the case.
Constitutional rights are the protections and liberties guaranteed to the people by the U.S. Constitution.
The judge declared that the defendant's constitutional rights were violated as he dismissed the case.
Los derechos constitucionales son las protecciones y libertades garantizadas a las personas por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.
El juez declaró que se violaron los derechos constitucionales del acusado y desestimó el caso.
E ju oklenj te kolb'il eju in chi ajb'en te kolb'il xjal tu'n t-ten tzaqpib'il kxol ton jun tnum te Estados Unidos .
Ri K'ajmanem Cholk'aslemal are' ri uch'uquwil ri jamaril ri kchi'x chke ri winaq rumal ri u Cholk'aslemal re EEUU