The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
Divorce can be very hard on a family and cost a lot of money.
The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
Divorce can be very hard on a family and cost a lot of money.
La disolución legal de un matrimonio por parte de un tribunal u otro organismo competente.
El divorcio puede ser muy difícil para una familia y costar mucho dinero.
Li xchoyb'al jun sumlaak chiru li chaq'rab' xb'aan junaq aj raqol aatin maraj anihaq k'eeb'il xwankil.
Li jachok sumlaak a'an ch'a'aj cho'q re li junkab'aal ut terto xtz'aq.
Aj tkub' eq'un mejeb'len maqa aj tkub' kypan kyb' chan tuk'il qya twutz kawb'il.
A jun aq'pub'l mejeb'len ky'xk'oj toj ja xjal ikx nim pwaq in b'aj tij
K'o pa ri ub'eal q'atow tzij utukixik jun k'ulanem rumal ri q'atb'al tzij yey jun k'wi molaj chik.
Jachoj Ib' are' jun nimalaj k'axk'olil chke ri alaxib'al xuquje' paqal rajil.