Family Court
A court of law that handles cases involving domestic issues such as divorce, and child custody.
Now that the man was no longer residing with his wife, she decided to take action in family court.
A court of law that handles cases involving domestic issues such as divorce, and child custody.
Now that the man was no longer residing with his wife, she decided to take action in family court.
Un tribunal de justicia que maneja casos relacionados con asuntos domésticos, como el divorcio y la custodia de los hijos.
Ahora que el hombre ya no residía con su esposa, ella decidió tomar acción en el tribunal de familia.
Jun raqleb'aal chaq'rab' li naxk'anjelaheb' ch'a'ajiklal sa' ochochnal jo' li jachok'ib' ut ch'olanink kok'al.
Sa xk'ab'a' li winq ink'a' chik na'hilan rochb'een li rixaqil sa' ochochnal, a'an xk'a'uxla chi jitok sa' raqleb'aal chaq'rab' re echalal.
A ju ja te kawb'il a in xi kayi'nke tumel kyb'aj ky'xb'san te xmilal xjal tu'n juntl xjal toj tja maqa ikx a ju paj mejeb'len tuky'l el qe kxel kayi'nte k'wal .
Atzun jallo a jun chan jon najantl tu'ky'l txu'jil , a jun qaya ma txi q'o'l tqanil toj ja te kawb'il.
Jun q'atb'al tzij ri ku patanij ri k'ayewal kech aj paja' jacha' nee' ri k'ulaj kki jach kib' xuquje kichajixik ri ak'alab'.
Wachanim aretaq ri achi man kk'asleman ta chik ruk' ri rixoqil, xpe k'u pa ri ujolom ri ixoq ku sik'ij ri achi pa ri Q'atb'al Tzij Re Alaxik.