Wood that is split and burned as fuel, generally for cooking and heating the home.
"I am going to cut firewood!" The young boy said to his brothers when they asked why he was not out playing soccer.
Wood that is split and burned as fuel, generally for cooking and heating the home.
"I am going to cut firewood!" The young boy said to his brothers when they asked why he was not out playing soccer.
Madera que está partida y quemada como combustible, generalmente para cocinar y calentar el hogar.
"¡Voy a cortar leña!" Dijo el niño a sus hermanos cuando le preguntaron por qué no estaba jugando fútbol.
Jachb'il che', re k'ate'k, jwal na'oksimank cho'qre k'uub'ank ut xq'ixnankil xsa' li ochoch.