To ask questions of (a person), sometimes to seek answers or information that the person questioned considers personal or secret.
The police captain ordered an interrogation of the suspect.
To ask questions of (a person), sometimes to seek answers or information that the person questioned considers personal or secret.
The police captain ordered an interrogation of the suspect.
Hacer preguntas a (una persona), a veces buscar respuestas o información que el interrogado considera personal o secreta.
El capitán de policía mandó una interrogatorio al sospechoso.
Patz'ol k'ila
Li awab'ej re aj k'aak'alehom tenamit ki'patzpatz'ink re li k'a'uxlanb'il.
Aju knejil ajxq'uq'il xi tchq'on tun txi xjelun te xjal a in kub' t-ximan qa a xb'ichnte il.
Che utaik che (jun winaq), k'ialajtaqmul ri ka tzukuxik xa utzalijem ub'ixik yey k'o ne' juntzij ri ret'am ri jun winaq ktajin kk'ot uchi' ri uk'olom pa ranima'.
Ri unimal ri ajchajinel tinamit xu k'otuchi' ri jun kb'ixik chi ajmak.