Yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments.
One of the main indicators of liver failure is jaundice.
Yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments.
One of the main indicators of liver failure is jaundice.
Pigmentación amarillenta de la piel, los tejidos y los fluidos corporales causada por la deposición de pigmentos biliares.
Uno de los principales indicadores de insuficiencia hepática es la ictericia.
Q'an tz'ajb'al uwach ri tz'u'mal, ukemol, xuquje ri uwa'al ri b'aqil b'anom rumal rech chi umulim rib' ri tz'ajab'al ri uq'anal kinaq'.
Jun chke ri ajk'utunel are chi' ri seseb' katajin ku yojij rib' are ri q'ana ch'akul.