Either of two fleshy folds that surround the mouth in humans, are organs of human speech essential to certain articulations.
To touch one's lips to another's is said to be the same as sharing one's soul with another.
Either of two fleshy folds that surround the mouth in humans, are organs of human speech essential to certain articulations.
To touch one's lips to another's is said to be the same as sharing one's soul with another.
Cada uno de los dos pliegues carnosos que rodean la boca en los humanos y que son órganos del habla esenciales para ciertas articulaciones.
Tocar los labios de otra persona se dice que es lo mismo que compartir el alma con otra.
Apachin chke ri ekieb' utyojil ri usolim ri ki chi' ri winaq, are' jun chakub'al re ki ch'ab'al winaq siba'laj nim ri upatan che ri ukemik taq ri tzij.
Aretaq ktij uchi' jun chik kb'ixik chi xa junam ruk' ujachik uwach ri anima' ruk' jun chik.