Evidence establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
The defendant stated that none of what the witness explained was proof that he committed a crime.
Evidence establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
The defendant stated that none of what the witness explained was proof that he committed a crime.
Evidencia que establece o ayuda a establecer un hecho o la verdad de una declaración.
El acusado afirmó que nada de lo que explicó el testigo era prueba de que él cometió un delito.
Reetalil k'a'ruhaq li na'k'ojob'ank maraj naxtenq'a chi xk'ojob'ankil lix yaalalil raatin junaq.
Li jitb'il oxye' naq maajun aatin o'el sa' re aj k'eehol reetal naxh'olob' reetalil naq x'maako' chiru li chaq'rab'.
Haton tzet chi qanlay yin tz'aqil watx'neb'alil yet yalay ok yip yelalil.
Naj ajmul max yal naj tol masanil tzet lanan yalay yin tol man yeloq tol ay smul.
K'utunik ri ku ya' utak'alib'alem yey ri kutob'ej che utak'alib'al ri uwachib'al ri qas tzij rech ri nik'iaj tzij b'im.
Ri ajataj tzij xub'ij chi mawi jun chke le tzij xu lememej ub'ixik le ajch'awanel ku k'utwachij taj chi are' xb'anow ri jun nimalaj makaj.