A written account of the proceedings in a case, including all pleadings, evidence, and exhibits submitted in the course of the case.
The judge paused a moment before ending for the day to ask the attorneys if they had anything to add on the record.
A written account of the proceedings in a case, including all pleadings, evidence, and exhibits submitted in the course of the case.
The judge paused a moment before ending for the day to ask the attorneys if they had anything to add on the record.
Un registro escrito de los procedimientos en un caso, que incluye todos los alegatos, pruebas y documentos presentados durante el curso del caso.
El juez hizo una pausa antes de finalizar el día para preguntar a los abogados si tenían algo que agregar al expediente.
Li na'yeeman, na'b'aanuman chi tz'iib'anb'il sa' xch'utamil chaq'rab', jo'keb' li xsumehom junjunq, reetalil k'anjel junjunq, jo'keb'wi' xjalamb'uch'il li k'anjel.
Laj raqol aatin o'xaqlik junpaataq maji' oxchoy li ch'utam re li kutan a'an re xpatz'b'al reheb' aj nawol chaq'rab' ma wan li te'raj chi xyeb'al sa' xtz'iib'ahom li ch'utam.
Ri kb'ixik tek'uri ksik'ixik ri ub'eal ri jun makul, ri k'o chupam jacha'ne' ch'a'ch'atem, k'utunik wuj ri jachom aretaq xjeq uwach uch'o'jixik we jun makul.
Ri ajq'atol tzij xuchomajna jutz'it aretaq k'amaja' na ku k'is upatan pa ri jun q'ij ri' areatq ku ta' chke ri ajch'o'jitzijab' chi we k'o china jun jasach ri kya' na chupam ri uk'a'lanel re ri tzib'am.