A sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments.
The teacher suffered a sprained foot after playing soccer with her students at the playground.
A sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments.
The teacher suffered a sprained foot after playing soccer with her students at the playground.
Una torsedura o giro repentino y violento de una articulación con estiramiento o desgarro de ligamentos.
La maestra sufrió un esguince en el pie después de jugar fútbol con sus estudiantes en el patio de recreo.
Jun kotokiejem onqi k'ate'q sutinem xuquje' are taq koo kjek' jun unu'kb'al b'aq ruk' yuqulem on ri ub'it'ik rib' ri tyo'jil.
Ruyuqik rib' ri tyo'jil are wa' ri xu riq ri ali ajtijonel chi' ri qas k'ate' xetz'en futbol kuk' ri rajtijoxel pa ri uwoja' re ri tijob'al.