A command, issued under a court's authority, to a witness to appear and give testimony.
A friend of the victim received a subpoena to appear as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
A command, issued under a court's authority, to a witness to appear and give testimony.
A friend of the victim received a subpoena to appear as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
Una orden emitida bajo la autoridad de un tribunal para que un testigo comparezca y dé testimonio.
Un amigo de la víctima recibió una citación para aparecer como testigo por los abogados que representan al acusado.
Jun taql, k'eeb'il xb'aan li chaq'rab', re junaq k'eehol reetal re xk'utb'al rib' re ch'olob'ank xyaalalil.
Junaq xlo'y li rahob'tesinb'il kix'k'ul xtaql chi xk'utb'al rib' jo' aj ch'olob'anel reetal xb'aaneb' aj nawol chaq'rab' re li jitb'il.
Jun taqanik, ri ku ya' ri q'atb'al tzij ruk' ri ureqele'n, chre jun ajq'alajisanel rech ku k'utrib' xuquje' rech ku ya' uq'alajisanem.
Ri urachi'l ri ajriqol k'ax xtaq che ri sik'inik re k'utuw ib' rech kkojik qas je ne' jun q'alajisanel, kumal ri ajch'o'jitzijab' ri katajin kki to'b'ej ri aj ataj tzij.