Supreme Court
The highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation.
The supreme court will only hear legal matters that it considers to meet certain standards of the most important legal disputes in the country.
The highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation.
The supreme court will only hear legal matters that it considers to meet certain standards of the most important legal disputes in the country.
El tribunal federal más alto de los EE.UU., compuesto por nueve jueces y que tiene precedencia judicial sobre todos los demás tribunales del país.
La corte suprema solo escuchará asuntos legales que considere cumplir con ciertos estándares de las disputas legales más importantes del país.
Li numtajenaq xwankilal xyanqeb' chixjunileb' li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' re EEUU, k'ojob'anb'ileb' b'eleeb' aj raqol aatin aran ut li nake'xye sa' chaq'rab' na'numtaa sa' xb'eeneb' chixjunjunqaleb' chik li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' yalaq b'ar sa' qatenamit.
Li xnimal raqleb'aal chaq'rab' Ka'ajwi' narab'iheb' li wech'ok sa' chaq'rab' li naxk'a'uxla naq wan xnimla wankilal li tento chirab'inkil ut chi xyiib'ankil sa' li qatenamit.
Are wa' ri nimalaj q'atb'al tzij pa EEUU, jawije' ke'chakun b'elejeb' ajq'atol tzij ri k'o ki naoj pakiwi' conojel ri nik'iaj q'atb'altzij chik chupam ri amaq'il.
Ri nimalaj q'atb'al tzij are' upatan xa qi xwi kutatab'ej ri k'ayewal ri ka ki chomaj le are' chi ku mulij ronojel ri rajwaxik pa ri ub'eal ri ch'o'j nima'q taq ki b'antajik chupam ri tinamit.