Vital Signs
Measurable variables considered to indicate the general state or condition of something.
Before the patient could see the doctor, she had to visit the nurse, who would take note of her vital signs.
Measurable variables considered to indicate the general state or condition of something.
Before the patient could see the doctor, she had to visit the nurse, who would take note of her vital signs.
Variables medibles consideradas para indicar el estado general o la condición de algo.
Antes de que la paciente pudiera ver al médico, tuvo que visitar a la enfermera, quien tomaría nota de sus signos vitales.
Jalajoj utz ketaxik ki wach choman chre ri uk'utik ub'antajik on rutzil uwach jun jasach.
K'a maja' na kil ri yawab' rumal ri ajkun, le ixoq nab'e kok'ow na ruk' ri ajtob'anel re ri ajkun, le are' ku nik'oj na ri retalil ruk'u'x usilob'em ri ub'aqil.