Wash one's hair (verb)
To remove dirt from hair, some type of soap, usually shampoo (sometimes soap) to their hair and lather the soap with water.
When I take a shower, I always start by washing my hair.
Risinkil xtz'ajnil sa' li ismal, wankeb' junjunq li nake'xk'e x'xab'onil chanchan xampu (maraj jab'on) re xch'ajb'al li ismal rik'in li xwoqxil li xab'on.
Naq nakinatink, rajlal nakin'ok rik'in xch'ajb'al li wismal.
To remove dirt from hair, some type of soap, usually shampoo (sometimes soap) to their hair and lather the soap with water.
When I take a shower, I always start by washing my hair.