
A wild carnivorous animal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America but has been widely exterminated.
As evening falls, the wolf howls on the hill near my house.
A wild carnivorous animal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America but has been widely exterminated.
As evening falls, the wolf howls on the hill near my house.
Un animal carnívoro salvaje de la familia de los perros, que vive y caza en manadas. Es originaria de Eurasia y América del Norte, pero ha sido ampliamente exterminada.
Al caer latarde, el lobo aulla sobre el cerro que esta cerca de mi casa.
Jun txkup naq in wan chib'j xi tzajniya kxol txkup toj k'ul, naq in xi jyol tchi' toj k'ul nim in b'ant tu'n. Xi tzajniya tuajil atzun Eurasia y América del Norte, naqtzun a xi tkub' b'aj aju tyajil.
Jun ajti'j aj juyub' awaj rachalaxik rib' kuk' taq ri tz'i', ri uk'aslemal are pa molaj xuquje' kchapan pa molaj. Petinaq uloq pa Saqasetul Sepk'isaq ulew xuquje' re Rikiq'ab elb'al q'ij Sepk'ija'al ulew, xa k'u nim uwach ri ktajin ksach ki wach.
Are chi kqaj ri q'ij, ku raquchi' ri utiw k'a pa uwi' ri juyub' ri k'o chunaqaj ri wachoch.