Suffix to describe decomposition, destruction, or breaking down.
Hemolysis means the destruction or deterioration of blood cells. Hemo from blood, and -lysis, meaning deterioration of.
Suffix to describe decomposition, destruction, or breaking down.
Hemolysis means the destruction or deterioration of blood cells. Hemo from blood, and -lysis, meaning deterioration of.
Xcha'al aatin li nax'xch’olob’ naq yoo chi q’ak, yoo chi po'e'k, maraj yoo chi toq’ek’.
A jun yol lo'n in ok q'et te tzaqtzb'ilte juntl yol qa xi tkub' b'aj maqa xi tkub' naj maqa xi tkub' eq'j atzun -lisisju.
Atzun tz'elpuna hemólisis aj tkub' b'aj maqa aj tkub' naj eju células sanguíneas. A Hemo a tz'elpuna chik', atzun -lisis, a tzelpuna aj tkub' b'aj maqa aj tkub' naj