A tender, fluid-filled pocket that forms in tissue, usually due to infection.
After months of pain, the dentist told the man he has an abscess in his mouth.
A tender, fluid-filled pocket that forms in tissue, usually due to infection.
After months of pain, the dentist told the man he has an abscess in his mouth.
Bolsa sensible y llena de líquido que se forma en el tejido, generalmente debido a una infección.
Jun piẍ chib'j in jaw tz'oqpi'j ikx in jaw noj toj tu' chewa, a txʼuʼj yabʼil in tzaj q'inte.
Matxi'xtaq tz'ok twutz tchyonal, tej setz tman q'el b'aqj qa poj xjaw b'ant toj ttzi.
Jun b'orxa ri kq'oxowik xuquje nojinaq ruk' uwa'al ri ku b'an rib' pa ri ukemol, amaq'el lo rumal rech ri jun t'iqonem.
K'ialaj taq ik' ruk'a'm ri q'oxom, ri ajilol ware' xu b'ij chre le achi chi k'o jun puj chupam ri uchi'.