The party who appeals a district court's decision, usually seeking reversal of that decision.
The appellant wants to show why he thought the judge's decision was made in error.
The party who appeals a district court's decision, usually seeking reversal of that decision.
The appellant wants to show why he thought the judge's decision was made in error.
La parte que apela la decisión de un tribunal de distrito, generalmente buscando la reversión de esa decisión, se conoce como el "apelante".
El apelante desea demostrar por qué cree que la decisión del juez se tomó con error.
A' li na'wech'ok naq ak' numenaq li k'anjel sa' raqleb'aalaal aatin, a'an aj wech'ol k'anjel na'yeeman re.
Laj wech'onel naraj chi xk'utb'al k'a'ut naxk'a'uxla b'arwi' laj raqol aatin o'paalto'.
Atzun aj kolil in onin maqa tajb'il tu'n txi tyek'un te jun aj kawil qa aju t-xim taq'ux maqa jon xku'b' ximan b'an
Ri jun ri kuch'o'jij chuwach jun nimalaj q'atb'al tzij chik ri jun q'atoj tzij, xa kraj kutzukuj kjalk'atix uwach we jun q'atoj tzij ri'.
Ri Ajch'o'jinel kraj ku k'utu jasche ku chomaj chi ri uq'atoj tzij ri ajq'atol tzij man utz ta uwach.