Cry (to cry)
To shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow.
The girl broke down and started to cry because her ice cream fell on the ground.
To shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow.
The girl broke down and started to cry because her ice cream fell on the ground.
Derramar lágrimas, generalmente como expresión de angustia, dolor o tristeza.
La niña se entristeció y empezó a llorar porque su helado se cayó al suelo.
Xtzuq’bal xya'al ru, K'ila sut xb'aan jun li xkut’besinkiil li chanru wan, re xrahil maraj xrahil ch'oolejil.
Ki'raho' xch'ool li ixqa'al ut ki'ok chi yaab'ak xb'aan naq li xhelaado ki't'ane' chi ch'och'.
Txajan tal qwutz in kub' txatj, maj in xi b'aj qk'uj tij, ky'xk'oj toj qxmilal maqa in qo b'isun.
A jun k'wal maj ma tz'ex chiyon toj tanmi te xtz'el tz'aqi toj tk'ul.
Are chi' kqaj jun pa oq'ej, amaq'el lo rumal mayowem, q'oxom, on b'is.
Le alaj ali xu chapale'j oq'ej rumal rech chi xtzaq ri rutew kaab' cho ulew.