Curse (to curse another)
To invoke or use a curse against an individual or group of people meant to inflict harm.
Modern day witches may threaten to curse politicians if they try to limit their powers.
To invoke or use a curse against an individual or group of people meant to inflict harm.
Modern day witches may threaten to curse politicians if they try to limit their powers.
Invocar o usar una maldición contra un individuo o grupo de personas con la intención de causar daño.
Las brujas modernas pueden amenazar con maldecir a los políticos si intentan limitar sus poderes.
Eju ajk'a jaku b'ant ktxkon il kyj nimaq ajkawil qa ma chix kyk'len tnum tib'al kykolb'il.
Are chi' ri ktaik on ri ukojik junetzelanem chrij jun winaq on jumolaj winaq ruk' ri chomab'al che ub'anik k'ax.
Pa taq we q'ij ri' ri ajitzinel wene' ku' xib'ij apon ri ajkajmanelab' chi ku k'aq na etzelaxik chkij we kki q'atej unimal ki chuq'ab'il.