White or grayish flakes of dead skin cells especially of the scalp: the condition marked by excessive shedding of such flakes and usually accompanied by itching.
She has struggled with dandruff since high school; luckily she just found a new shampoo that is helping.
White or grayish flakes of dead skin cells especially of the scalp: the condition marked by excessive shedding of such flakes and usually accompanied by itching.
She has struggled with dandruff since high school; luckily she just found a new shampoo that is helping.
Escamas blancas o grisáceas de células muertas de la piel, especialmente del cuero cabelludo: afección caracterizada por una descamación excesiva de dichas escamas y que suele ir acompañada de picor.
Ha lidiado con la caspa desde la secundaria; afortunadamente, acaba de encontrar un nuevo champú que le está ayudando.
Saq maraj chaj xb'onol' k'aj li na't'ane' chi jolomej: Na'uxman sa' xk'ab'a' xchajijik li xtz'uumal jolom ut q'axal katzkatz.
Ik te tzmal kyiẍ maqa tzmal qwi in jaw qutxj , xi in jawa tutzxix tchib'jiln qwi, ti maj nim in jaw qutxja ikx in twotz'ti maqa ti tkyaqachil.
Matxi txi nb'incjane tixku ti tixti tij spaqwi, tzalajsb'ilxix tu'n matxi tz'el yal a jun tq'eqil nwiywe tu'n tonin tu'n tel spaqwi.
Saq o salsoj ch'a'k cho ri jolom: Jujun taq ub'antajik are sib'alaj ch'a'k xuquje kuya rayib'al che kk'aqatixik.
Le ali uriqom k'ax ruk' ri solo't pa ri ujolom areatq k'ak'o na pa ri ukab' woqow eta'mabal; k'o b'a rutzil xa rumal ri xu riq jun k'ak' ch'ajb'al wiaj ri katajin ktob'ik.