Discharge (Pus)
A thick, opaque, usually yellowish-white, fluid matter that is formed as part of an inflammatory response typically associated with an infection.
While some discharge is concerning, the vaginal discharged produced by women is normal.
A thick, opaque, usually yellowish-white, fluid matter that is formed as part of an inflammatory response typically associated with an infection.
While some discharge is concerning, the vaginal discharged produced by women is normal.
Materia fluida espesa y opaca, generalmente de color blanco amarillento, que se forma como parte de una respuesta inflamatoria asociada normalmente a una infección.
Jun tzotz chewa, sb'aj, atzun kayin saq q'an , in jaw ttz'oqpin tib' ikte ikte jun malni .
Qa in ch'akj ti tu'n qtzaj b'aj tij, atzun flujo a in ul kyij qya b'anqa in ch'akj tla tu'n qtzaj b'aj tij.
Ja' kka'yik zatz, man saqta uwach, k'ialaj taq mul q'anq'oj, ri keluloq rumal rech chi xelulo jun sipojinaqil ri ktajin kk'iy ri upam.
Pacha' lo ri elemre jutz'it puj kuya' chapom k'u'xaj, ri puj ri kel pa ri uchulub'al ri ixoq maj uk'axk'olil ya'tal la' che.