Jury Instructions
A judge's directions to the jury before it begins deliberations regarding the factual questions it must answer and the legal rules that it must apply.
The attorneys were not in agreement about three items issued by the judge to be included in jury instruction.
A judge's directions to the jury before it begins deliberations regarding the factual questions it must answer and the legal rules that it must apply.
The attorneys were not in agreement about three items issued by the judge to be included in jury instruction.
Las instrucciones del juez al jurado antes de que comience las deliberaciones sobre las preguntas f谩cticas que debe responder y las reglas legales que debe aplicar.
Los abogados no estaban de acuerdo con tres puntos emitidos por el juez para ser incluidos en las instrucciones para el jurado.
Li taqlanb'il sa' xb'eeneb' aj tz'ilol ch'utam xb'aan aj raqol aatin chi xb'aanunkil naq maji' nake'ok chi xsumenkil ruheb' li patz'om junjunq jo'wi' chi xtz'ilb'al rix li chaq'rab' ut xk'eeb'al reetal b'ar na'k'anjelak re xk'anjeleb'.
Eb' aj nawol chaq'rab' moko xe'kanaa ta sa' aatin rik'ineb' oxib' kok' na'leb' k'eeb'il xb'aan aj raqol aatin sa' xtaql aj tz'ilol ch'utam.
Aju ajkawil nejtl un xi tq'o'n tumel aq'untl te ajsk'ol tuntzun tkub' t-ximan b'anxix ink tun txi tkayin tzaq'web'l tij jun jun xjel , ikx qa in ajb'en chaq'b'il kyun xjal aj kyolin.
Eju ajkolil jon xkub' toj kwutz oxe tumel xjel tun Kawil , oxe xjel nya kyajb'il tun tkux q'o'n toj tu'jil tun ajsk'ol
Are u taqanik ri ajq'atoltzij chke ri jupuq ilonel re q'atal tzij maja' na kki jeq utzijoxik taq ri k'utunik re ri sataq xb'anik ri rajawxik ka tzalix ub'ixik xuquje' ri qas ukolomal ch'ojib'al ri qas rajawxik kokisaxik.
Ri ajch'o'jitzijab' man xqajtaj pa ki jolom xa k'o oxib' sataq ri xuya' ri ajq'atol tzij ri rajawxik kyu'jna ruk' ri pixab' re jupuq ilonel re q'atal tzij.