The legal process under which an immigrant may become a citizen of the United States, including requirements for continuous legal permanent residence in the United States, periods of actual physical presence, good moral character, and an English and a civics test, among other components.
Naturalization is a process before the law that takes many years and comes with many responsibilities to an individual that wants it.
The legal process under which an immigrant may become a citizen of the United States, including requirements for continuous legal permanent residence in the United States, periods of actual physical presence, good moral character, and an English and a civics test, among other components.
Naturalization is a process before the law that takes many years and comes with many responsibilities to an individual that wants it.
El proceso legal mediante el cual un inmigrante puede convertirse en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, incluye requisitos como residencia permanente legal continua en el pa铆s, periodos de presencia f铆sica real, buen car谩cter moral y la realizaci贸n de un examen de ingl茅s y civismo, entre otros componentes.
La naturalizaci贸n es un proceso ante la ley que lleva muchos a帽os y conlleva muchas responsabilidades para la persona que la desea.
Li k'anjel na'b'aanuman chiru li chaq'rab' b'arwi' junaq aj q'axol ch'och na'ruhan chi k'ulub'aak jo' aj tenamitil EEUU, sa' li k'anjel a'an na'teneb'aaman sa' xb'een junaq chi kanaak EEUU jo' junaq li na'hilan arin chiru xq'ehil xyu'am, xk'utb'al xchaab'ilal xyu'am, xtzolb'al aatinob'aal 脥ngles, ut k'a'chik ru li kok' k'anjel.
A' li xk'ulb'al tenamitil k'ila
Ajtxi ljon kawb'il tij xjal a ch'xol tx'otx' jaku maqa ti maj in kanb'et ky-u'j tu'n knajan toj Estados Unidos , ikx ib tzaj q'o'n ky-u'j te knajb'il te jun majx tu'n knajan toj Estados Unidos, toj jun amb'il aj txi q'o'n te xjal, qa o'kslawnaq xjal ikx in xi kayin qa in b'an toxin yol tu'n, ikx qa in xi xnaq始tzan aju xnaqtzib'il tib'aj jun tnum.ix qe txajnt
Ah txi tljon xjal kawb'il tib'aj tnajb'il toj jun tnum nim ab'qi in ex kyun xjal tij ikx nin aquntl tij okx chax kxel tkayin tib' tutz ktanam xjal.
Ri amaq'ilem are ub'eal rech jun ajq'axal tinamit ku jaluj jun aj EEUU, xuquje' ri unimaxik ri taqanik re amaq'el k'olem EEUU, jacha' nimtaq raqan wachib'al k'olem, jun winaq ruk' uzt taq na'oj xuquje' ri ureta'maxik Ingles xuquje' ubantajik winaqil, ruk' nikiaj sataq chik.
Ri amaq'ilem are jun sujuj ri kb'an chuwach ri taqanel tzij ri ku k'am k'ia taq junab' xuquje' ruk'a'm nimanik taq patan chre ri winaq ri ku rayij we wuj ri'.