The release of a prison inmate – granted by the U.S. Parole Commission – after the inmate has completed part of his or her sentence in prison. When the parolee is released to the community, he or she is placed under the supervision of a probation officer.
The probation board determined that the prisoner exhibited good behavior and thereby granted his parole.
The release of a prison inmate – granted by the U.S. Parole Commission – after the inmate has completed part of his or her sentence in prison. When the parolee is released to the community, he or she is placed under the supervision of a probation officer.
The probation board determined that the prisoner exhibited good behavior and thereby granted his parole.
La liberación de un recluso, otorgada por la Comisión de Libertad Condicional de los EE.UU., después de que el recluso ha cumplido parte de su condena en prisión. Cuando el liberado condicional es puesto en libertad en la comunidad, queda bajo la supervisión de un oficial de libertad condicional.
La junta de libertad condicional determinó que el prisionero mostró buen comportamiento y, por lo tanto, le concedió la libertad condicional.
Rach'ab'ankil junaq sa' tzalam - k'eeb'il relik xb'aan li Xteepul EEUU re Ach'ab'ank - naq junaq sa' tzalam xtz'aqob'resi jun xjayal li xq'usb'al sa' tzalam.Naq ak elenaq sa' tzalam, toj teneb'anb'il sa' xb'een li ach'ab'anb'il chi xk'utb'al rib' chi jo'q'ehaq chiru aj k'aak'alehom ach'ab'anb'il.
Li xteepul re ach'ab'ank kixk'a'uxla naq li chapcho yoo chaq sa' chaab'ilal, chi jo'kan ke'xk'e li rach'ab'ankil.
Are wa' ri utzoqopixik jun k'o pa che' yao'm kumal ri moloj re tzoqopinem re EEUU - aretaq ri k'o pa che' utz'aqatisam chik k'ia taq q'ij uk'olem pa che' ixoq yey achi. Aretaq ri ajtzoqopinem ktzoqopix chikixo'l ri comontiox, le are' kb'anik chuxe' ri ajk'a'k'alel re q'atb'altzij.
Ri molaj re ajyaol tzoqopinem xki ch'ob'ub'e chi ri ajche' uk'utum utz ub'eal k'aslemal rumal k'u ri' xya' che ri tzoqopinem.