A hollow muscular organ that acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood through the body.
After a childhood disease left her heart with slight damage, she needs follow ups with her doctor every few weeks.
A hollow muscular organ that acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood through the body.
After a childhood disease left her heart with slight damage, she needs follow ups with her doctor every few weeks.
Un órgano muscular hueco que actúa como una bomba de fuerza manteniendo la circulación de la sangre a través del cuerpo.
Después de que una enfermedad infantil dejara su corazón con un daño leve, necesita controles de seguimiento con su médico cada pocas semanas.
Are jun ti'jal tolom upam chakub'al ri k'o uchuq'ab', ri are' upatan kuchajij le kik' rech ksutin pa ronojel b'aqil.
Are chi k'a alaj ak'al na le ali, ri ranima' xu riq jutz't taq uyab', are b'a le ali rajawaxik ku tarane'j uq'atuxik ri ajkun jalajoj taq mul pa jun ik'.