The elected head of a city, town, or other municipality.
In order to do the job of Mayor, a person must have a knowledge of the local communities, the language spoken in the communities, and the ability to inspire people to work together.
The elected head of a city, town, or other municipality.
In order to do the job of Mayor, a person must have a knowledge of the local communities, the language spoken in the communities, and the ability to inspire people to work together.
El jefe electo de una ciudad, pueblo u otro municipio.
Para desempeñar el trabajo de alcalde, una persona debe tener conocimiento de las comunidades locales, del idioma que se habla en ellas y la capacidad de inspirar a las personas a trabajar juntas.
Aju nejenel sk'o'maj te jun tnam, kojb'il, maqa tu'n juntl tnum.
Tu’n tb’ant taq’un nejinel te tnam, jun xjal il ti’j tu’n tten tojtzqib’il kyi’j kojb’il te kojb’il, ti’j yol in yolji toj, ex tu’n t-xi tq’o’n kynab’il xjal tu’n kyaq’unan junx.
Chaom k'amal b'e re jun nim tinamit, alaj tinamit on k'wi tinamit chik.
Chre ri ukojik uchuq'ab' chrij ri uchak re alkalte, wa jun winaq ri' rajawaxik k'o uno'j chkij ri komon pa ri tinamit, ri ch'ab'al ri kokisax chikixo'l xuquje' ri kuinem chre ri uyakik ki k'u'x rech junam ke' chakunik pa ri komon.