One of the typically paired essential female reproductive organs that produce eggs and in vertebrates female sex hormones.
Both before, during and after menstruation, it can be normal to experience pain or discomfort in the ovaries due to painful ovulation.
One of the typically paired essential female reproductive organs that produce eggs and in vertebrates female sex hormones.
Both before, during and after menstruation, it can be normal to experience pain or discomfort in the ovaries due to painful ovulation.
Uno de los órganos reproductores femeninos esenciales típicamente emparejados que producen óvulos y, en los vertebrados, hormonas sexuales femeninas.
Tanto antes, como durante y después de la menstruación, puede ser normal experimentar dolor o molestias en los ovarios debido al dolor de la ovulación.
Are wa' jun chke ri uchakub'al ri ub'aqil ri ixoq ri nim ub'antajik upatan ri ku poq'isaj ki wach ri ki saqmo'lil xuquje' chke ri k'o ki b'aqil ri ajb'anol taqo'n xanil rech ki b'aqil ri ixoqib'.
Pacha' nab'e, on aretaq katajinkqaj ri ch'ajo'n k'xuquje'are chi' ok'owinaq chik ri uqajem ri ch'ajo'n, wene' ku na' q'oxom on neqonil pa ruk'olib'al ija' rumal uq'oxom ri elem re taq usaqmolil.