Puberty (Male)
The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
When a boy begins puberty, some signs may include a change in voice, hair growth under arms and the pubic region, and production of body odor.
The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
When a boy begins puberty, some signs may include a change in voice, hair growth under arms and the pubic region, and production of body odor.
El período durante el cual los adolescentes alcanzan la madurez sexual y se vuelven capaces de reproducirse.
Cuando un niño comienza la pubertad, algunos signos pueden incluir un cambio en la voz, crecimiento de vello bajo los brazos y en la región púbica, y la producción de olor corporal.
Are wa' uq'ijol aretaq ri k'ojol taq alab'omab' kki riqapon kowinem rech utz kk'oje' kaalk'ua'l.
Are chi' ri alaj ala ku jeq ri k'ojol alaxinik, ek'o nik'iaj taq retal apacha' ri k'exenik pa ri uch'ab'al, kk'iyulo ri rismal chu xe' taq ucheal uq'ab' xuquje' pa uxo'l ri ra', xuquje' uk'iyirisanem ruxlab' ri ub'aqil.