Anything of value given in exchange for labor or services, including food and lodging.
He received no remuneration for the work he performed.
Anything of value given in exchange for labor or services, including food and lodging.
He received no remuneration for the work he performed.
Cualquier cosa de valor que se da a cambio de trabajo o servicios, incluyendo comida y alojamiento.
No recibió ninguna remuneración por el trabajo que realizó.
K'a'ruhaq wan xtz'aq li na'k'eeman cho'q re k'anjel na'b'aanuman, jo'wi' tzakahemk maraj hilob'aal na'ajej.
Maajun tojleb' kixk'ul li qawa'chin cho'q re li k'anjel xb'aanuhom.
Apachike ri k'o rajilal ri kya' che jun winaq uk'axewach jun chak yey patan, xuquje' wa' ruk' warab'al.
Man xtoj ta uchak le achi ri k'ate' xu b'ano'.