The act of a court setting aside the decision of a lower court. A reversal is often accompanied by a remand to the lower court for further proceedings.
After new evidence was presented, the attorney filed a motion to reverse the previous ruling.
The act of a court setting aside the decision of a lower court. A reversal is often accompanied by a remand to the lower court for further proceedings.
After new evidence was presented, the attorney filed a motion to reverse the previous ruling.
El acto de un tribunal de anular la decisión de un tribunal inferior. Una reversión a menudo va acompañada de una devolución al tribunal inferior para más procedimientos.
Después de que se presentó nueva evidencia, el abogado presentó una moción para revocar la sentencia anterior.
A'an na'ux naq junaq aj raqol aatin naxtz'eqtaana maraj moko naxk'ulub'an ta raatin jalan aj raqol aatin. Jo'q'ehaq, xjalb'al raatin naxk'am ak'i aatin tz'iib'anb'il li naxch'olob' chiru li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' kub'enaq b'ar ki'paalto'.
Naq k'utb'il chaq ak'i na'leb', laj nawol chaq'rab' xq'axtesi xtz'aamahom re jalok re li raq'b'a'aatin jun.
Qas je ku b'an ri q'atb'al tzij aretaq man ku k'amta uwach ri q'atoj tzij rech jun alaj q'atb'altzij. Uk'exik amaq'el rachi'l ri utzalixik chik chre ri alaj q'atb'altzij che uch'ob'ik uxe'.
K'ate aq'anoq xk'am ri k'ak' k'utunik, tek'uri ri ajch'o'jitzij xu jach ri jun wuj rech uk'exik ri jun q'atoj tzij.