Any of several contagious fungal diseases of the skin, hair, or nails of humans and domestic animals that are characterized by ring-shaped discolored skin patches covered with vesicles and scales.
After months of feeling itchy, the girl decided to see a doctor. It turns out that she had been infected with ringworm.
Any of several contagious fungal diseases of the skin, hair, or nails of humans and domestic animals that are characterized by ring-shaped discolored skin patches covered with vesicles and scales.
After months of feeling itchy, the girl decided to see a doctor. It turns out that she had been infected with ringworm.
Cualquiera de varias enfermedades fúngicas contagiosas de la piel, el cabello o las uñas de humanos y animales domésticos que se caracterizan por parches de piel descolorida en forma de anillo cubiertos con vesículas y escamas.
Después de meses de picazón, la niña decidió ver a un doctor. Resulta que había sido infectada con tiña.
Apachinchke ri k'i uwach taq ri ikox yab'il re ri tz'u'mal ri kt'iqonik, ri wi' on ri kixk'iaq ri winaq xuquje' ri awaj ri ke' k'iy choja ri su q'alaj je ri ke' pe taq k'ojob'al ki wachib'al cho ri tz'u'mal saqpe'r alaj taq mulq'ab' uwach ri ki ch'uqum kib' ruk ri solot.
Ok'owinaq nik'iaj ik' chik ruk' ri k'aqtem, le alaj ali kraj ke'b'u rila' ri ajkun. K'ota ku nab'ej le are' chi t'iqom chik ruk' ri usal tz'i'.