A substance that is secreted into the mouth by salivary glands, lubricates ingested food.
Sometimes when we smell food that we find very delicious, our mouths can provide saliva as a physical reaction to the good odor of that food.
A substance that is secreted into the mouth by salivary glands, lubricates ingested food.
Sometimes when we smell food that we find very delicious, our mouths can provide saliva as a physical reaction to the good odor of that food.
Una sustancia que es secretada en la boca por las glándulas salivales, lubrica los alimentos ingeridos.
A veces, cuando olemos comida que encontramos muy deliciosa, nuestras bocas pueden producir saliva como una reacción física al buen olor de esa comida.
Are wa' ri uk'u'xil ri ku tzoqopijulo ri upchiaj kumal kech ri ajya'ol taq wa'al, ri ku ch'aq'aqisaj ri wa aretaq kya' pa ri chiaj.
Jujun taq mul are chi' ka qa siq wa ri qas utijowik re karaj, ri upa qa chi' ku tzoqopijulo ri uk'oxaj xa rumal rech chi k'ate xqa siq ruxlab' ri jun je'lalaj wa.